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We congratulate the Yaroslavl� Assembly of Nations

The Yaroslavl� Assembly of Nations had its sixth anniversary. On July 15th several events were carried out to celebrate this date. In the conference room of the chamber of commerce and industry of the Yaroslavl� region a press conference took place. The chairman of the assembly, Nur Ella Khasiev, the co-chairman Boris Kolodizh and the director of The Center for Interethnic Cooperation, Ashot Airapetian, took part in this press conference. However, the numerous journalists form radio and TV channels were more interested in the participants� reactions to the declaration of the Yaroslavl� region�s public prosecutor, Zalepukin, �There are terrorists among us�. After the participants of the press conference had said everything they think about the public prosecutor, the journalists quickly left.

This did not spoil the festive mood, though. The leaders of the ethnic associations gathered at the popular restaurant, �Yakor��, where they solemnly celebrated. The Armenians brought �dolma� (stuffed wine leaves), the Ossetians brought pies made from meat, potatoes and dried apricots, the Tajiks brought pilaf, and the Chechens paid for all the rest. The celebration turned out to be excellent, nobody wanted to leave. Everybody proposed toasts and praised Yaroslavl� for the fact that it is a quiet and cozy city without any serious problems regarding interethnic relations


� 1993-2003

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