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Study-trip to Amsterdam
The second group

The study-trip to the Netherlands for the second group from Russia was held from 21 to 25 March. Participants of the second study-trip:
  1. Yevgenia Nazarova, Moscow
  2. Maria Kopelyan, Moscow
  3. Anna Perlova, Krasnoyarsk
  4. Yelena Tarakanovskaya,Irkutsk
  5. Renat Vagapov, Nizhny Novgorod
  6. Alexandr Smolyakov, Smolensk
  7. Natalia Khrechkova, Moscow
  8. Kristina Balasanyan, Pyatigorsk
  9. Maria Adamova, Pyatigorsk.
Already on the day of arrival participants of the study-trip went to Rotterdam where they visited International Antidiscrimination Award show �Unity is Power 2007� organized by Rotterdam Youth Council for the European Action Week Against Racism (RADAR). Beside this, on the next day especially for the group from Russia, the RADAR representatives carried out training where the problem of stereotypes and prejudices about representatives of ethnic or other minorities was discussed. In such a way, participants of the study-trip could see and take part in usual work of an European NGO.

On the next day the group visited the Anne Frank Museum and Jewish Historical Museum. Participants the possibility to familiarize themselves with the educational materials and the exhibition prepared by the Anne Frank Foundation; the project �Free4Choice�, which has as the main goal discussion of different polemical questions connected to the sphere of the discrimination and human rights. They also took part in the discussion about the work of the museum, including some practical methods of work with pupils and youth.

� 1993-2003

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