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Irina Rukina

�Every day common Muscovite watch with envy, how foreign workers enrich themselves�

On October 22nd 2004 the newspaper �Finansovye Izvestiya� published extracts from an interview with the chairman of the Committee for Economic Politics of the Moscow Town Council Irina Rukina, in which she supports a project of Yuriy Popov, suggesting restricted entry into Moscow following ethnical principles.

Suggesting toughening the control over migrants she pointed out �some of the city�s economic fields have already been taken over. Every nation, every ethnic group tries to find that field in which they feel themselves confidently. Lets take a view on the figures of the capital�s commerce. Azerbaijanis obtain out of this $1.5-2.5 billion each year, while the whole annual budget of Azerbaijan is $1.4 billion.�

At the same time Rukina expresses concerns about the growth of xenophobia in the city, which as well, according to her, is mainly the fault of the ethnic diaspora: �Every day common Muscovites watch with envy, how foreign workers enrich themselves. In addition, according to psychologists, today among townspeople the feeling of anxiety and danger increases. As a consequence of the robbing, beating and killing by foreigners.�

Irina Rukina emphasizes that the delegates do not intend to kindle ethnic hostility, but just the other way around, they want to prevent it. �Ethnic groups took over whole economical sectors, for example, commerce as well as the housing and communal services, continued Mrs. Rukina. In these fields tremendous money circulates�Today one can say that out of 12 billion dollar, which were taken out of Russia last year, the biggest part of it came from Moscow. Such a situation arouses dissatisfaction among the indigenous population and leads to interethnic strife.

Source: xeno.sova-center.ru

� 1993-2003

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