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Fighting Extremism in Sverdlovsk Oblast Remains Urgent

At present, 700 people who adhere to extremist views are accounted for on the books of the Central Administration of Internal Affairs (GUVD) of Sverdlovsk oblast. As a correspondent from IA Regnum was told at the oblast procuratorship on November 30th, among them are �skinheads�, representatives of Russian national unity, �punks�, �hippies� and football fans.

The procuratorship considers that this number of citizens with extremist views is partly caused by the inactivity of local self-ruling bodies in opposing extremism, the ineptitude of the police force and the lack of collaboration with territorial commissions on adolescent issues, with education authorities, as well as local autonomous authorities. In several municipal organizations, programs directed at the preventative maintenance of extremism are not adopted, and those who are taking action do not receive financing.

In 2007 alone, the procuratorship noted 98 disturbances, 44 statements, 18 warnings, six protests and seven administrative assemblies.


� 1993-2007

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