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Conference Opens in Washington in Memory of Anna Politkovskaya

On Thursday an international conference on the theme �Russia- A Year After the Murder of Anna Politkovskaya� opened in Washington, states Radio Liberty.

Among participants in the forum are journalists, human rights activists, as well as representatives of the Russian opposition. Indeed, the leader of the United Citizens Front, Garry Kasparov, and the part activist Larisa Arap are participating in the conference, according to Kasparov.ru. Tom Lantos, a representative from the Committee on International Affairs of the State Chamber of the representative of the US Congress; Dmitry Sidorov, an American representative from the Glasnost Defense Fund and Nina Ogniyanova, a representative from the Journalist Defense Committee also took part in the event.

A returning tribute to the memory of Politkovskaya, forum participants discuss problems of the restriction of freedom of speech in Russia, the fact of infringement on human rights and the attempts to silence dissent in all forms.

The event was organized by radio �Europe Liberty� and radio �Liberty� with the participation of the US Congress.

On October 7th, a year passed since the day of the murder of Anna Polikovskaya in Moscow. Acts of memorial and protests took place in Russia and in Europe. Rome honored a plaza with Politkovskaya�s name.

Source: grany.ru

� 1993-2007

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