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Priangarie Deputies Intend to Turn to the Procurator of the Irkutsk Oblast For an Irkutsk Newspaper�s Incitement of Interethnic Hostility

Deputies from the legislative assembly of Priangarie resolved to turn to the Procurator of the Irkutsk oblast with the request to take action in relation to one Irkutsk newspaper. As Anton Romanov reported at the session of the Regulatory commission of Deputies, in the November edition of the newspaper, an article was published under the headline: �A War Could Start in Osinsky Region�. The article talks about the children of one settlement where Russian citizens live, who harshly attacked a resident of a Buryatia town. The publication also includes facts about the emergence of violence between representatives of Russian and Buryat ethnicities. In the deputies� opinion, the reflections in the article are repeatedly exaggerated and do not reflect the real situation in the Osinsky region, which could lead to inciting interethnic hostility.

At the commission it was noticed that the procurator, in general, reacted to similar publications. This, however, frequently occurs after addressing the public of representatives of the authorities. Commission members have decided to meet with the directors of the newspaper to bring this question to the procurator.


� 1993-2007

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