Press-Conference �Terroristic attacks will not avoke separation of the North Caucasus from Russia� Initiated by the Center for Interethnic Cooperation on September 21 at 12:00 noon the press-Conference �Terroristic attacks will not avoke the North Caucasus� separation from Russia� was held at the Independent Press Center (Tverskoi Bd. 20, Moscow) Participants were: Ashot Airapetyan, director of the Center for Interethnic Cooperation, Kim Tsagolov, member of the Council of the Ossetian community in Moscow, Shapi Kaziev, chief editor of the publishing house �Echo of the Caucasus�, member of the Dagestan community in Moscow The press-conference was attended by journalists from the TV company �Echo�, the agencies �France-Presse� and �Regnum�, the radio stations �Svoboda� (Freedom) and �Golos� (Voice) and the newspaper �Novye izvestia�.
Press-Conference �Terroristic attacks will not avoke separation of the North Caucasus from Russia�
Participants were: Ashot Airapetyan, director of the Center for Interethnic Cooperation, Kim Tsagolov, member of the Council of the Ossetian community in Moscow, Shapi Kaziev, chief editor of the publishing house �Echo of the Caucasus�, member of the Dagestan community in Moscow
The press-conference was attended by journalists from the TV company �Echo�, the agencies �France-Presse� and �Regnum�, the radio stations �Svoboda� (Freedom) and �Golos� (Voice) and the newspaper �Novye izvestia�.