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Samara Police Participated in Seminar �Harmonization of Interethnic Relations and Preventive Maintenance of Interethnic Conflicts�

A training seminar took place September 11-12 close to Samara, at the leisure center �Nadezhda� (Krasnoyarsk region). The seminar�s theme was �the harmonization of interethnic relations and preventative maintenance of interethnic conflicts�. The organizers of the event were the Ministry of Regional Development (an apparatus of the government of the Samara region) along with the Center for Interethnic Cooperation from Moscow. Representatives of executive authorities from the Republic of Udmurtia, Saratova and Yaroslavl regions, directors of ethnic-cultural associations from Samara and other regions, as well as representatives from the Ministry of Federal Migration Services (UFMS) and the Commission of Federal Security Service (USFB) from the Samara region. Representatives from the Samara region�s Head Ministry of Internal Affairs also took an active role in the seminar, as did colleagues from the Information and Public Links divisions, newspaper �Pravo� from the Head Commission on Internal Affairs (GUVD) of the Samara region. Lastly, the Commissions on Internal Affairs from Samara and Tolyatti, directors from the Police for Public Security service, along the lines of a guarantee of social order, and the work of participants of district authorized police, minors, and the regiment commander of patrol-point-duty service made up the multitude.

Diverse questions were touched upon as a result of the interaction between government authorities, rights defending authorities, and ethnic unions. Speakers shared work experience in their regions, and it was interesting for colleagues from Samara police to hear about the work experiences of NGOs in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Yaroslavl region. Yulia Nikiforova, the representative from the subdivision of Information and Public Links Division from the Ministry of Internal Affairs elucidated this topic. Following this, constructive games were played to aid in the process of understanding one another, to develop the path to improving cooperation. Seminar participants collaboratively looked for causes for the emergence of interethnic conflicts, answering the question: �What unites NGOs, authorities and law enforcement agencies?� Analyzed in the form of concrete situations linked with interethnic tension in several Russian regions. Interesting and instructive conclusions were given by the military colleagues in the portrait of a typical representative of ethnic diaspora. In turn, police were familiarized with the portrait of a typical representative of the authority of internal affairs, composed by the leaders of ethnic-cultural associations.

Good interaction was noted between the GUVD from the Samara region and the ethnic-cultural unions. In particular, Shirvan Kerimov, the leader of the NGO �Azerbaijani League of the Samara Region� told about joint work with the police on the resolving of an incident occurrence at the Ovoshchoi base that occurred in the fall of 2006.

The conclusive part of the training seminar, recommendations were proposed for promoting more interaction between authorities, law-enforcement agencies and ethnic associations in the harmonization of interethnic relations and preventive maintenance of interethnic conflicts. Following the work by the seminar organizers the recommendations will be sent to the Ministry of Regional Development and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Head Commission on Internal Affairs of Samara Region

Source: http://www.guvd63.ru/

� 1993-2003

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