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Campaign in Turkey Begins for the Cancellation of Article "Insulting Turkish Conscience�

A campaign for the cancellation of Article 301 (�Insulting Turkish Conscience�) from the Criminal Code began in Turkey. The action is being carried out by the social movement �No to Racism and Nationalism�.

The slogan of the action is: �Article 301 must be cancelled. Racists must be condemned.� The initiators are convinced that foreseeing criminal punishment for Article 301 �insulting the Turkish conscience� is a serious obstacle for freedom of speech in Turkey. As a result of the open discussions planned within the framework of the action, it is planned that the declaration will be accepted which will then be submitted to the parliament of Turkey.

The assistance in the organization of the procedure was provided by German organization �Heinrich Bel�.

The social movement �No to Racism and Nationalism� was founded after the murder of the chief editor of the Armenian-Turkish newspaper �Akos�, Hrant Dink. Those participating in the movement intend to take part in the judicial hearings concerning the murder of Hrant Dink and the actions against the editorial staff of �Akos�.

Let us note that under Article 301-I, Hrant Dink, Nobel prize winner Orhan Pamuk, writer Elin Shafak and other representatives of Turkish intelligentsia were also judged, but were not once criticized on behalf of representatives of the European Community for restricting freedom of speech.

Source: News Agency �Tatar-inform�

� 1993-2003

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