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Skinheads Vandalize a Muslim Cemetery in Kurgan

Skinheads are suspected of being behind the vandalism which was carried out in a Muslim cemetery in Kurgan. According to the information and analytical center �OWL� 19 marble monuments were knocked off of their pedestals and broken and the half moons on many tombs were broken. On those tombstones that were left standing there were marks made by a metal object and foot prints and a swastika was found drawn near to the cemetery.

The Kurgan human rights activist, Gabdulla Isakaev, gave an account of the incident. A report about this attack of vandalism was sent to the police but the report was refused registration.

At the beginning of April there was a series of demonstrations by the public group �Russian National Unity�. According to human rights activists, participants wore swastikas on their sleeves. After this a sign saying �Death to Jews� appeared on one of the city�s main highways.

It should be remembered that last week a court passed a guilty verdict on Jaroslav Kozlovu, a student at the agricultural Institute who created the site �Kurgan Skinheads�. The student was found guilty of inciting ethnic animosity and fined.

Source: URA.ru

� 1993-2003

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