The exhibition �I�m not a Russian, but a �Rossiyanin�� was opened in Nizhniy Novgorod NIZHNIY NOVGOROD, November 17th - Yesterday, on the International Day for Tolerance, the book exhibition �I�m not a Russian, but a �Rossiyanin�� (rossiyanin = citizen of the Russian Federation) was opened in the concert hall �Jupiter�. It was organized by �Dialog,� the Center of Interethnic Interaction, and the Municipal Information Center for Legal Culture. As the organizers announced, �the Russian Sociological Dictionary defines the word �tolerantnost� as �indulgence towards someone else�s way of life, behavior, habits, feelings, opinions, ideas and faith�. Mutual respect of representatives of different nationalities and ethnic groups is of current importance for the Russian Federation, which is the homeland of more than 160 different peoples�. The Exhibition consists of three sections. The section �Protection of the rights of national minorities� acquaints the visitor with Russian and international legislation, which was worked out to maintain the peaceful co-existence of different peoples on one and the same territory. The section �Multiethnic Russia� gives an impression of the cultural history and traditions of single ethnic groups (Russians, Tatars, Russian Germans and Polish, Jews, Armenians, Gipsy and Ingermanland Finns). The third section �Vectors of the development of tolerance in Russia� gathers books on xenophobia, intolerance and �language of hatred� in society and Mass Media; it also presents material on the culture of nonviolence and tolerance, the peaceful conflict resolution and the antifascist movement. The exhibition runs until December 6th. Opening hours 11-18. Address: Oktyabrskaya pl. 1, Concert hall �Jupiter�, Center of Legal Culture. Source:
The exhibition �I�m not a Russian, but a �Rossiyanin�� was opened in Nizhniy Novgorod
The exhibition runs until December 6th. Opening hours 11-18. Address: Oktyabrskaya pl. 1, Concert hall �Jupiter�, Center of Legal Culture.