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Monday 13 January

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10th December – Human Rights Day


On the 4th of December 1950, the General Assembly of the UN on the Plenary Meeting officially declared the 10th December as Human Rights Day. All States and interested organizations were invited to adopt that day and to conduct appropriate events.

The 10th of December was chosen in honor of the adoption and proclamation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) by the General Assembly on the 10th December 1948.

This declaration was the first international document defining provisions on human rights.

V Annual interethnic evening “Moscow in the rhythm of the peoples of the world”


moskvaOn the 6th of December the fifth interethnic evening “Moscow in the rhythm of the peoples of the world” will take place in the club “Copenhagen” (Metro Kurskaya, Nizhniy Susalniy Pereulok, House 5) at 6 o’clock pm. This event already established itself as the best international evening in Moscow. The concert program will feature musicians from Moscow, Russia and from abroad – from near neighbors as well as far countries.

The international evening “Moscow in the rhythm of the peoples of the world” is a massive and bright event which gathers over thousand young people of different nationalities in the club grounds of Moscow. In friendly and informal atmosphere they are talking, support national artist groups, dance, and get to know new, exciting and contemporary music groups whose work is based on folk traditions with modern technology.


FMS suggested Soviet way of struggle with fictitious registration


The Federal Migration Service (FMS) suggested to prohibit the registration of an unlimited number of people in a confined living space, writes “Rossiskaya Gazeta”.

The office of the FMS of Moscow region has taken the initiative to prepare a bill amending the current housing legislation. Officials are concerned about a large number of cases where illegal migrants receive fictitious registrations in Moscow and Moscow region. In the near future the project should be submitted to the State Duma.

Now, in order to receive a registration on legal grounds it was enough to acquire a few square centimeters of housing. This is often used by criminals and fraudsters. People formalize credits, cars and even weapons on fictitious addresses.

The practice of limiting the number of residents in one apartment depending on its space occurred in the Soviet Union. Then problems arose with residence permits of even close relatives. In 1993, the Act “On the right of citizens of the RF on freedom of movement and choice of the place of residence and living” was passed, with the adoption of which the concept of “Propiska” (“Record of place of residence”) was lifted and the registration record of citizens introduced. In 2004, with the adoption of the new Housing Code all restrictions by the registration were removed.

This event delighted human rights activists and homeowners, but it turned into a surge of illegal migration. In Moscow region appeared were houses where in one apartment could be registered hundreds of people. For example, in one of these houses was registered the organizer of the explosion in the metro station “Rizhskaya” in 2004 Nikolai Kipkeev.

16th of November – International Day for Tolerance


On the 16th of November 1995 the member states of the UNESCO adopted the Declaration of the Principles of Tolerance. In 1996 the General Assembly of the United Nations invited the member states to celebrate the International Day for Tolerance every year on the 16th of November and backing it by appropriate activities which are directed both to educational institutions and the general public.

In recent years a harsh increase of the number of incidents manifesting intolerance, extremism and violence could be observed throughout the world. This alarming trend is partly fueled by the growing tendency to identify differences in terms of identity and not in terms of opinion or interests.

Приглашение на призентацию книги 20-го ноября


С казахами мы - близкая родня


Нет качества ценней, чем справедливость,
Она не злобит и когда казнит,
Ее мерило - честность и правдивость,
Они от лицемерья верный щит,

Отлитый из отваги и морали,
Взращённых поколеньями в веках:
Их существо смиряло нам печали-
То, что казахам ниспослал Аллах.

Вот почему мы выжили в изгнанье,
Вот почему нам дорог Казахстан:
Там бытовало ясное сознанье,
Что с нами их сближает и Коран,

И тяжкая борьба за выживанье
На предками завещанной земле,
И чуткое казахов состраданье,
Нас обогревших в родовом тепле.

Мы к вам везём отъявленных бандитов,
Изобличённых Родины врагов,
Чтоб здесь их уморить, как паразитов,
Не дав вернуться под родной свой кров


Вот так тогда представил нас, вайнахов,
Кремлёвский кровожадный лиходей,
Но подлый бред не испугал казахов-
Их благородство не учёл злодей.

Не ведал он, что дружба в час страданья,
Сильнее, чем семейное родство,
Что помощь облегчает боль изгнанья,
Рождая в душах братства торжество.

Не ведал он, что мудрые казахи
Вмиг разберутся, что вайнах - им брат,
Что добродетель не умерят страхи,
Что для казахов дружба - газават.


Простите нас, казахи, ради Бога,
За прегрешенья в смутные лета:
Нас вынуждала к ним за жизнь тревога

И дышащая смертью нищета:

 Святая правда: каждому вайнаху
 Родней казаха человека нет.
 Мы молимся великому Аллаху,
 Прося дарить вам радости побед.

Сегодня мало их в живых осталось,
Кто изгнан был из родовых земель:
Кому привольней там, вдали, дышалось,
Чем дома, здесь, в военную метель,

Из-за чего им вновь пришлось вернуться
 В родные казахстанские края:
 И если на былое оглянуться,
 С казахами мы - близкая родня.

 Умеет быть чеченец благодарным,
Тому в анналах множество страниц,
 Когда своим геройством лучезарным
 Развеивал он массу небылиц.

 Но нам награды не найти достойной,
Чтоб им, казахам, отплатить сполна
 Непросто это в жизни беспокойной
 В тревожные, лихие времена.


Чеченский поэт Руслан Ахтаханов, проректор Современной Гуманитарной Академии,
Генеральный директор развития центров доступа СГА вэкстремальных условиях.


Посвещается доброму, отзывчивому и мужественному казахскому народу, навеки породнившемуся с вайнахами в годы геноцида.

10th of November - Day of the Militia
3601The Center for Interethnic Cooperation has been conducting training sessions with representatives of law enforcement for many years . We congratulate all the members of the MUP to their professional holiday! And we wish them every success in the formation of tolerance and the countering of extremism based on ethnic, religious or racial intolerance.
Yaroslavl celebrates

Ярославски гуляньяYaroslavl festivities” – it is already the ninth time that the international festival of arts passed in the land of the Volga. The festival was organized by the Yaroslavl branch of the “Assembly of Peoples of Russia” which also celebrated its tenth birthday this year.

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